What would I need to do?
The award is divided into three stages, Global Awareness, Global Action and Global Understanding.
Global Awareness and Global Action: The activity log which you complete on the Pathway via includes the first two stages: Global Awareness and Global Action. Once you have completed the activity log you will then submit it for review on the Pathway.
Global Understanding: When your activity log has been confirmed as complete, you will move on to the third stage of the award - Global Understanding. This is where you will reflect on your experiences of becoming globally engaged.
Click on the sections below to find out more about each stage. You may want to bookmark this webpage as it might be useful for you to return to when completing the award.
If you are not able to find the information you are looking for please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to guide you:
RED Award
Careers, Carrington First Floor
0118 378 8359 | red@reading.ac.uk