‘Responding to student needs in the post-Covid T&L
environment’ BALEAP Professional Issues Meeting: Back to the classroom –
new framework, new balance? Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan. (Plenary speaker).
and the power dynamics of transnational (cross-border) collaboration,’ BALEAP
Professional Issues Meeting: Collaboration, Power, and Influence. King’s
College London (with Joanne Shiel). 2024.
'TNE: Emerging Conversations,' [Symposium]. BALEAP Conference,
University of Warwick (with Stella Bunnag, Sofia Di Giallonardo, Jennifer
MacDougall, and Samantha Wilson). 2023.
‘A comparative study of TEEP and IELTS for transnational education (TNE)
students and their relationship to subject study.’ CEAPA-BALEAP
2021 International Conference, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (with Daguo
Li, John Slaght, and Ouyang Ting). 2021.
‘TNE Workshop: Opportunities and challenges of
working in partnership.’ BALEAP
Conference. University of Glasgow (with
Susan Finlay, Jennifer MacDougall, and Joanne Shiel). 2021.
and impact of a TNE partnership: a case study of a UK-China joint institute.’ TNE-Hub
Symposium, Kings College London (with Daguo Li). 2021.
&Բ;‘.’ British Council THINK TNE Webinar
Series 2020: Reshaping UK-East Asia
Transnational Education in the face of Covid-19. (Invited panelist). 2020.
‘Challenges of Covid 19 in relation to TNE
provision.’ TNE-Hub Open Forum webinar. 2020.
‘International’ delivery of international
foundation programmes: An I2FP model?’ InForm Conference, ˿Ƶ. (Plenary Chair). 2019.
&Բ;‘An “imagined community”: reimagining students’
expectations of academic study.’ BALEAP
Conference. University of Leeds. 2019.
‘Opportunities and challenges of TNE.’ UK-China
transnational education workshop. British Council, London. (Invited panelist). 2019.
&Բ;‘The International Student Food Project.’
RAISE Conference, Sheffield Hallam University (with Huiqi Yeo). 2018.
&Բ;‘Does social networking work? Lessons from our
global community.’ Advance HE
Teaching and Learning Conference, Aston University (with Sarah Brewer). 2018.
‘Creating an
EAP management network together.’ BALEAP
Conference. University of Bristol (with Sarah Brewer). 2017.
&Բ;‘MOOC-topia or MOOC-lear disaster?’
E-learning Symposium, University of Southampton. 2016.
MOOCs to bridge cultures.’ Intel Education Summit. Istanbul. 2014.
global connections to engage international students.’ HEA Annual
Conference. Aston University (with Steve Thomas). 2014.