Room Booking
Centrally controlled rooms consist of teaching rooms and meeting rooms on Whiteknights, Earley Gate & London Road campuses, and are bookable by both staff & students for a variety of different uses.
Our rooms and facilities page contains information about the spaces at the University, including links to documents that contain further details including each rooms' layout, general AV information, and capacity, and various key contacts.
Specialist spaces (labs, studios, etc.) are generally managed and booked by Schools directly, but if you are unsure whether the space required is centrally controlled, please do not hesitate to contact the Room Booking office for information.
Please note that timetabled teaching and required spaces should be arranged through the Timetabling Team rather than via the Room Booking office.
For information on how to make a booking, please click on the relevant link below, but please also make yourselves aware of the Room Booking rules, which can be found on the right of this page.
If you are a student, please click here
If you are a member of staff, please click here
The 2024/5 timetable is now live for the whole academic year .
Online room bookings are also available, but are subject to restrictions. Please see the Help Page for more information.
Please note the following:
Book a room
Check room facilities
- Telephone: +44 (0) 118 378 6506
- Email: