Technical financial accounting
Technical financial accounting services include the following services:
- Ensure the University's statutory returns are completed in accordance with all relevant statutes and regulatory requirements
- Produce returns in format for Companies House
- Produce returns in format for the Charities Commission
- Reports for regulatory compliance
- Reporting to regulatory bodies
- Oversight of international regulatory reporting
- Consolidation workings, adjustments, movements & disclosures
- Consolidated cash flow statement, income and expenditure, provisions, loans, interest payable analysis
- Reconciliation of intercompany balances
- Management of exceptional items
- Produce month end accounts for the Trusts
- Maintain the asset register for University's UK activities
- Provide commentaries on results
Audited University financial statements
Standing data for Agresso
Cost Centres - Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ
Account Codes - Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ
SDA guidance
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